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A new crime wave in Islamabad

Posted: February 1st, 2021, 6:51 am
by kandwal
CAUTION: A new crime wave in Islamabad: A biker came across my car at a red light, took out his mobile phone and started shouting my Car No. as I stood watched him. I asked him 'what are you doing', and he repied 'stop at the road side after the signal' to which I wondered why!. When it was green, as I started to accelerate, he came in front, forcing my car to the side; however something felt fishy as he wasnt in a uniform; I drove past him. He maintained an uncalming distance so I went faster and took a fast u-turn to which he went furious and started shouting to stop the car. I escaped him; called 15 police; and they tell me that I did the right thing by not stopping! They say if you stop the car, the person on the bike pretends he's from some agency and want to take you in for questioning; minutes later a jeep comes and they force you in and ur kidnapped! Long story short; DO NOT STOP AND CALL 15 immediately. As im told by the police themselves, 8 such exact cases have been reported and alll from f-8 and f-6 sector."

Spread the word. You never know it might save someone's life.